IEEE Computer Society SE Michigan Chapter & Oakland University IEEE Student Branch presents:
“Building the World’s Fastest File System: Weka.IO”
Abstract: For decades, folks all over the world who use computing to solve problems or conduct business, have had to grapple (near physical wrestle) with problems relating to solving the data storage issues. From demands of all end users (scientists, engineers, business, students, government, etc.) – all of them require fast access to the data, growing sizes of data, ever wide variety or type of data: text, databases, video, audio, graphic images, etc. IT folks have struggled to make this an easy thing but without much success.
There is a new kid on the block – with the name of Weka.IO(ask them how they came up with that name), which seems to have addressed this in an innovative manner. Created by the original founders of storage sold by IBM – they have used their experience to vastly improve many of the old issues, IT leaders, analysts, support persons, automotive engineers struggling to save all that data from those Self Driving vehicles, data capture systems, etc., all will benefit from checking this out. Weka.IO has built the world’s fastest parallel file system, designed to solve the performance challenger in AI deep learning and technical computing.
Speaker: Tony Raleigh
About Speaker: Mr. Raleigh graduated from Oakland University back in 1998. His specialities include Customer relations, system engineering, system administration, technical support, and maintaining a positive attitude. He consistently builds and maintains rapport with customers, managers, and co-workers.
Date: Thursday, January 24th
Time: 5:30PM – 7:30PM
Location: Room 202, Dodge Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309.
Parking: 115 Library Drive (In front of Engineering Building)
Audience: All Students, members, Professionals and Industry Techs
Energy Sources: Soda Pop, water, Veggie Pizza, Cheese Pizza to maximize information absorption bandwidth.
Pre-Registration Required!
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