Latest Past Events

1st annual Electrical circuit design contest

About the competition: You can design any electrical circuit using 555 timer. You cannot use digital components but you can create your own digital gates from transistors. Here are some projects ideas: Motor PWM Reaction Timer Game 4 Way Traffic Lights Driving many LEDs Bike Turning Signal Police Lights Automatic Curtain Closer Burglar Alarm 4-Zone Clap on, clap off circuit Who can register and how to register: Students who have already registered for Electronics I course automatically enter the contest. 1stand 2nd year Students can sign up for the competition. to sign up for the competition you should register online via the following link:

LATEX Workshop

LATEX Workshop IEEE University of Windsor Student Branch presenting: LATEX (pronounced “lay-tek” or “lah-tek”) is a free program for making scientific and technical documents, and is the standard for professionals in many STEM fields. Its purpose is to make it easy to write elegant technical documents. The topics in the workshops will range from introductory to advanced, and the sessions will include topics such as making problem sets, lab reports, and more. Read the complete post here

Convex Optimization and Its Applications in Signal Processing

Abstract: Recently, we have witnessed the advances of convex optimization, including theoretical aspects (e.g., interior-point methods) and general-purpose software tools (e.g., SeDuMi). It has been recognized as an extremely useful technique in helping with addressing a wide range of signal processing problems, including those previously considered intractable. This talk aims to provide a tutorial of convex optimization techniques relevant to signal processing, which could be used to identify and formulate convex optimization problems arising in signal processing scenarios, and characterize the structure of optimal solutions to signal processing problems. The talk will also cover some successful signal processing applications to concretely demonstrate the effectiveness of convex optimization and its impact on signal processing.