IEEE SE Michigan Seminar- Embedded Controllers Debug Workshop
Topic: Micro-Controller Debug Training Workshop
Description: The demand for embedded systems continue to grow and there is a need for well trained SW engineers to create and deliver well tested/debugged solutions. 15 people are trained to do root cause analysis in this hands-on workshop. This will immensely boost their capabilities to approach problems in a structured manner and fill the local SE Michigan need for talent. We will be using Infineon Technologies AURIX Micro-Controller platform for all exercises, as it is a popular platform for many industries.
Pre-Requisites to Attend: Attendees should have some experience with C Programming, basic Micro-Controller Knowledge and some basic Debugging skills.
Required Hardware: Attendees should have their own laptop with admin rights on it and necessary software has to be pre-downloaded upon registration.
Speaker: Chris Wunderlich, Atilla Bulus and Lance Gurka from Infineon Technologies AG
Background: Infineon provides semiconductor products for use in powertrains (engine and transmission control), comfort electronics (e.g., steering, shock absorbers, air conditioning) as well as in safety systems (ABS, airbags, ESP). The product portfolio includes microcontrollers, power semiconductors, and sensors. In the fiscal year 2018 (ending September), sales amounted to US $3.6 billion.
Date: Saturday, March 30th
Time: 8:30 AM – 4:55 PM
Material: Lecture + Class notes, Notes + Hand-on Exercises
Energy Sources: Free Coffee, Tea, Soda Pop, cold water, complimentary lunch and snacks to maximize information absorption bandwidth.
Audience: IEEE members (all), open seating only if slots available
How many: 15 [Limited Seating Capacity]
Location: Room 214, Elliot Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309.
Parking: 115 Library Drive
Pre-Registration Required!
Use vtools at
Refundable fee ($5) is required to guarantee reservation spot. CEU certificate will be granted to those who complete the full course.