University of Windsor Researchers wins Award
The Windsor Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Canada has been recognized for its leadership and networking events.
The IEEE Windsor Section, led by University of Windsor researchers, received IEEE Canada’s Exemplary Section Award for small sectionsfor its 2017 activities, leadership, management and administration.
Esrafil Jedari, vice-chair, IEEE Windsor Section and UWindsor research assistant in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, said the section was recognized for hosting around 30 technical, professional and social events on campus; its large network of volunteers and growth in memberships; and organizing and hosting the 30th Annual Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2017).
The group has grown steadily since it branched out on its own as the 21stsection in Canada in 2014 after operating as a student branch for two years within the Southeastern Michigan Section. The majority of its 306 members — which includes industry from the Windsor-Essex region— are University of Windsor faculty and students. The Windsor Section has three technical joint chapters for six IEEE professional societies, a University Windsor student branch and two affinity groups: Young Professionals and Women in Engineering.
The Exemplary Section Awardis given annually in three categories: large IEEE sections with more than 1,500 members, medium sections with 501 to 1,500 members, and small sections with 500 or fewer members.The Windsor Section was recognized by the IEEE in 2016 as an Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment performer for doubling its membership.
IEEE Canada is the Canadian arm of the IEEE as well as the constituent society of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) for the technical fields of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering.