IEEE Computer Society SE Michigan Chapter
IEEE Computer Society South East Michigan Section presents:
“Intrepid Tech Knowledge Days 2018”
Learn from experts about the latest in vehicle networking and embedded tools technologies and solutions. Listen to informative presentations and participate in hands-on demos to see how you can launch new projects and improve your existing ones. With two content-packed days, you will take your knowledge to the next level and return to your desk with new skills.
This year, we are excited to launch the new Vehicle Spy Lab! The VSpy Lab will offer one-on-one guided tutorials to walk you through some of our most common tech support questions. Our support team will be onsite to answer questions related to the labs and also about Vehicle Spy in general. VSpy Lab stations will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Feel free to ask for hands-on assistance specific to your needs.
Also new at Tech Days 2018 are Face-to-Face Consultations. While at Tech Days, bring your project and your questions! Intrepid experts will be available for personal, one-on-one help in a private setting. Get help with Vehicle Spy, Intrepid hardware setups, or get more details about topics covered during the Tech Days presentations. We are happy to discuss new technologies or to help you find solutions to problems you are currently facing.
See this link for the agenda of these two days.
To Register for Day 1, please follow this link.
To Register for Day 2, please follow this link.
Dates: May 1st and May 2nd 2018
Time: 9AM – 6PM (May 1st) and 9AM – 6PM (May 2nd)
Location: Oakland University – Engineering Center: 115 Library Drive, Rochester, MI, 48309, USA