Topic: Securing Your Computer And Yourself

Description: Despite the advances in computing technology, the average person, remains vulnerable to all sorts of security threats. In this wide-ranging and comprehensive seminar, material is presented that will give you a number of steps you can do to improve the security of your computer {the includes PC, tablet, phone, etc.}, at the same time also boost your privacy, so that the Internet is a little bit less of the “Wild West” experience. The topics- Ransomware, Viruses, Phishing Scams, Privacy Settings on web sites and social media forums (such as, Identity Theft, Other types of Malware and General tools (and reliable resources) one can use to assist you will be presented.

Speaker: Sharan Kalwani

Biography: With over 30+ years’ experience, in various aspects of the way hardware, the software has evolved, you can expect a unique perspective on the whole evolution of computing. The speaker has resented at numerous conferences and is viewed as an active evangelist in his areas of expertise.

Date: Saturday, March 9th

Time: 10:00AM – 2:00PM

Material: Lecture+Class notes

Energy Sources: Coffee, Tea, Soda Pop, cold water, snacks to maximize information absorption bandwidth.

Audience: IEEE members

How many: 20 [Limited Seating Capacity]

Location: Room 236, Dodge Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309.

Parking: 118 Library Drive

Pre-Registration Required!

Use vtools at

Nominal fee to help cover the cost of take-home printed copy if class notes, refreshments, etc.